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Close ‘re-education camps’: protect Uyghurs from COVID-19

The impact of the coronavirus has been felt by us all, and yet many are far more vulnerable than us.

Over one million people have been placed into ‘re-education’ camps in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China, targeted because of their ethnicity and religion (they’re predominantly Uyghur Muslims). Uyghur families are torn apart, as parents are sent to the camps and children are taken away to state orphanages.

Conditions inside the camp are dangerously unsanitary and overcrowded. This human rights crisis could now turn into a deadly outbreak on a massive scale.

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Stand with the Uyghur people 

Having a religious book in your home, gathering with others to worship, or simply having relatives abroad… These are all freedoms we take for granted. And yet in Xinjiang, these are all considered reasons to place you in a ‘re-education camp’.  

We’ve heard so many reports of maltreatment and torture inside the camps. But since the coronavirus outbreak, these people are in even graver danger, particularly with many elderly men and women being detained.

Lockdown given you more time to act?

A letter to your MP is the most effective way to get your message across. If you can spare a few minutes, use these pointers to write a personalised letter to your MP.


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CSW is a human rights organisation specialising in freedom of religion or belief, and as Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief. CSW, PO BOX 99, New Malden, Surrey KT3 3YF. Registered Charity No. 281836